This is an introductory book on the subject of mechatronics. It can serve as both a textbook and a reference book for engineering students and practicing professionals, respectively.
As a textbook, it is suitable for undergraduate or entry-level graduate courses in mechatronics, mechatronic devices and components, sensors and actuators, electromechanical systems, system modeling and simulation, and control system instrumentation.
Mechatronics concerns the synergistic and concurrent use of mechanics, electronics, computer engineering, and intelligent control systems in modeling, analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and controlling smart electromechanical products. As modern machinery and electromechanical devices are typically being controlled using analog and digital electronics and computers, the technologies of mechanical engineering in such a system can no longer be isolated from those of electronic and computer engineering. For example, in a robotic system or a micromachine, mechanical components are integrated and embedded with analog and digital electronic components and microcontrollers to provide single functional units or products. Similarly, devices with embedded and integrated sensing, actuation, signal processing, and control have many
practical advantages. In the framework of mechatronics, a unifed approach is taken to integrate different types of components and functions, both mechanical and electrical, in modeling, analysis, design, implementation, and control, with the objective of harmonious operation that meets a desired set of performance specifcations in a rather “optimal” manner, resulting in benefts with regard to performance, effciency, reliability, cost, and environmental impact.
Mechatronics has emerged as a bona fde feld of practice, research, and development, and simultaneously as an academic discipline in engineering. Historically, the approach taken in learning a new feld of engineering has been to frst concentrate on a single branch of engineering, such as electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, or aerospace engineering, in an undergraduate program and then learn the new concepts and tools during practice, graduate study, or research. Since the discipline of mechatronics involves electronic and electrical engineering, mechanical and materials engineering, and control and computer engineering, a more appropriate approach would be to acquire a strong foundation in the necessary fundamentals from these various branches of engineering in an integrated manner in a single and unifed undergraduate curriculum. In fact, many universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia have
established both undergraduate and graduate programs in mechatronics. This book is focused toward an integrated education and practice as related to electromechanical systems.

- This ebook consists of 10 chapters:
+ 1. Mechatronic Engineering
+ 2. Basic Elements and Components
+ 3. Modeling of Mechatronic Systems
+ 4. Component Interconnection and Signal Conditioning
+ 5. Instrument Ratings and Error Analysis
+ 6. Sensors and Transducers
+ 7. Actuators
+ 8. Digital Hardware and Microcontrollers
+ 9. Control Systems
+ 10. Case Studies in Mechatronics

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