Mechatronics Ebook

[PDF] Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems – Ebook Free

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The formal boundaries of traditional engineering disciplines have become fuzzy following the advent of integrated circuits and computers. Nowhere is this more evident than in mechanical and electrical engineering, where products today include an assembly of interdependent electrical and mechanical components. The field of mechatronics has broadened the scope of the traditional field of electromechanics.
Mechatronics is defined as the field of study involving the analysis, design, synthesis, and selection of systems that combine electronic and mechanical components with modern controls and microprocessors.

This book is designed to serve as a text for (1) a modern instrumentation and measurements course, (2) a hybrid electrical and mechanical engineering course replacing traditional circuits and instrumentation courses, (3) a stand-alone mechatronics course, or (4) the first course in a mechatronics sequence. The second option, the hybrid course, provides an opportunity to reduce the number of credit hours in a typical mechanical engineering curriculum. Options 3 and 4 could involve the development of new interdisciplinary courses and curricula.

Currently, many curricula do not include a mechatronics course but include
some of the elements in other more traditional courses. The purpose of a course in mechatronics is to provide a focused interdisciplinary experience for undergraduates that encompasses important elements from traditional courses as well as contemporary developments in electronics and computer control. These elements include measurement theory, electronic circuits, computer interfacing, sensors, actuators, and the design, analysis, and synthesis of mechatronic systems. This interdisciplinary approach is valuable to students because virtually every newly designed engineering
product is a mechatronic system.


Chapter 1 introduces mechatronic and measurement system terminology. Chapter 2 provides a review of basic electrical relations, circuit elements, and circuit analysis. Chapter 3 deals with semiconductor electronics. Chapter 4 presents approaches to analyzing and characterizing the response of mechatronic and measurement systems. Chapter 5 covers the basics of analog signal processing and the design and analysis of operational amplifier circuits. Chapter 6 presents the basics of digital devices and the use of integrated circuits. Chapter 7 provides an introduction to microcontroller programming and interfacing, and specifically covers the PIC microcontroller and PicBasic Pro programming. Chapter 8 deals with data acquisition and how to couple computers to measurement systems. Chapter 9 provides an overview of the many sensors common in mechatronic systems. Chapter 10 introduces a number of devices used for actuating mechatronic systems. Finally, Chapter 11 provides an overview of mechatronic system control architectures and
presents some case studies. Chapter 11 also provides an introduction to control theory and its role in mechatronic system design. The appendices review the fundamentals of unit systems, statistics, error analysis, and mechanics of materials to support and supplement measurement systems topics in the book.

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