IDC Technologies specializes in providing high quality state-of-the-art technical training workshops to engineers, scientists and technicians throughout the world. More than 300,000 engineers have attended IDC’s workshops over the past 16 years. Te tremendous success of the technical training workshops is based in part on the enormous investment IDC
puts into constant review and updating of the workshops, an unwavering commitment to the highest quality standards and most importantly – enthusiastic, experienced IDC engineers who present the workshops and keep up-to-date with consultancy work.
Te objective of this booklet is to provide today’s engineer with useful technical information and as an aide-memoir when you need to refresh your memory. Tis 5th edition of the Pocket Guide Series has been updated to include new information including Telecommunications, TCP/IP and FieldBus and DeviceNetworks.

Concepts that are important and useful to the engineer, scientist and technician, independent of discipline, are covered in this useful booklet.
Although IDC Technologies was founded in Western Australia in 1986, it now draws engineers from all countries. IDC Technologies currently has ofces in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK and USA.

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