Keyence Tutorial

[Tutorial] PLC Keyence – How to read Japan , China , Korea Languge Program

Written by admin

Hello !

For those who are new to or do not have much experience working with PLC Keyence when downloading programs written in special languages ​​such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, there are often font errors.

>>> To read programs written in this language, follow the video below

Or follow with the image instructions below

+ Step 1 : Open the software and select “KV STUDIO language setting” in the Tool section

+ Step 2 : There are 2 sections to customize language : software language and project language

+ Step 3 : In the Language Project section, choose the language that the program uses .
Here I choose Japanese

+ Step 4 : Select OK then download or open the program to read already available

+ Step 5 : The program to read has displayed the writing language. For example, if this program is written in Japanese, then we will use Google Translate to translate it into our language

If you have any questions about PLC Keyence and KV Studio software please comment below! I will answer your questions as soon as I read the comment! Best regards

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