MR-Configurator2 Software Version 1.70Y is the latest version up to the present time, trying to support all of its latest Servo, you can see the picture below to see the list of Servo that the software can work okay

- Name of the software: MR-Configurator V1.70Y
- Feature:
+ Test Servo, Jog Mode, Test Mode
+ Monitor running parameters with Monitor Mode

+ Copy, read/write, upload/download parameter Servo
+ Can be installed on most operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows-XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10,…
+ Can be connected via RS242 / 485 Cable or USB

+ The software supports models: J3 / J4 / JE / JN
- >>> Link Download Software (GoogleDrive- Easy for Download):
+ Download MR-Configurator2 V1.70.RAR (Password:
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