Automation Ebook

Determine Loadcell Wire Color

Written by admin
Statistical load cell wire color chart of popular load cell brands

How to wire Loadcell

Standard load cells usually have wire colors and connections as follows: power supply is usually from 5 to 12V

The feed will be related to the output value

+ For example, Loadcell 50Kg 1mV/V, 10VDC power supply, when placing 50kg on the loadcell, the mV Out value (Sig+ and Sig-) = 10mV is returned to the loadcell reader.

+ For example, Loadcell 50Kg 2mV/V, 10VDC power supply, when 50kg is placed on the loadcell, the mV Out value (Sig+ and Sig-) =20mV is returned to the loadcell reader.

How to re-identify wires

+ Step 1: Use a meter to measure the resistance of wire pairs together:

+ Step 2: Eliminate pairs with nearly equal measurements. The remaining 2 pairs have different resistances: the pair with the larger resistance is the power supply pair, the pair with the smaller resistance is the signal pair. In this example, source pair: Red-Black, Signal: Green-White

+ Step 3: Install it on the scale head, see if the direction of impact is correct, the number of scales is correct. If it is reversed, reverse 1 of the 2 pairs.

Note: In the case of a 6-wire load cell, it comes with 2 anti-interference wires Sen+ and Sen-, Sen+ is connected to EX+ and Sen- is connected to EX-, it is easy to use a continuity meter to determine.

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