SIM EKB Install is the most searched software when people use Siemens software. The latest version as of the time I write this is SIM EKB 2022-11-27 developed by

This is the latest version released and supports all the software in the TIA PORTAL V18 package along with many other Upgrades.

“How to use the software is still the same with all previous versions, pay attention if there is an error Lincense needs to delete all the Keys in the hidden folder C:\ AX NF ZZ , then run the Key again for sure”.
Note: Only if you are a student or have a learning need should use this software, for companies and professional engineers I recommend contacting Siemens to buy a license for the best support.
User Manual “SIM EKB Install” Software
+ Follow the steps below in order

+ Unlocked software will be blue

Note: When you download the software, there will be a video to guide you to remove Siemens Keys and install new Keys
>>> Link Download Software (GoogleDrive – Easy for Download)
+ Download SIM EKB Install 2022 11 27 for Siemens
Backup Link:
+ Download SIM-EKB-Install 2022.11.27 for Siemens
Password Extract:
Thanks for Reading!
What is the passwosd please?
Sorry. At the moment you can neither view nor download the file.
This file has been viewed or downloaded by too many users recently. Try logging in again later. If the file you’re trying to access is particularly large or shared with many people, you may have to wait up to 24 hours before you can view or download it. If after 24 hours you still can’t access the file, contact your domain admin
Need waiting 24h sir
sorry, but I can’t extract the SIM-EKB files. How do I extract the Siemens program key?
what happen for you sir ?
what is the password for unlocking the rar file .
Thank a lot Bro!!!!!!!!
thanks sir
Prasnol work
thank sir
ok sir
Hello, I lost my password on a project is it possible for you guys to help me access it?
sadly with this key the scroll down bar in WINCC does not work.
I hope you can help
contact me via email
please check your email
i check email but don’t have mail
can you send me EKB on email
why you no download directly ?
This key does not work perfectly with Windows 11. The scroll bar in the Wincc does not work and invisible.
Do you have a key for Windows 11??
i test on Windows 11 still OK
I tried to download but it gives me the error that is damaged. Can you send it to my email? Thanks
Need using Winrar software for extract
ok sir
Boa noite,
Você consegue o crack do P80i da GE?
please comment via english sir
please comment via english
hey! my automation license manager is displaying ‘ license step 7 basic was not found’ i need help
pleasee see here sir:
Admin, cannot extract after download, says file invalid or corrupted.
using sim winrar V5.4 or higher