SIM EKB is the most searched software when people use Siemens software. The latest version as of the time I write this is SIM EKB 2022-07-26 developed by

Upgrade History
+ V2022.07.26 add some info for Energy Manager v7.3
+ V2022.04.04 add some info for Sinumerik
+ V2021.08.20 add some info for Simotion Scout v5.4
+ V2021.08.15 add some info for Target fot Simulink
+ V2021.08.14 add some info for TIA Portal CFC v17

“How to use the software is still the same with all previous versions, pay attention if there is an error Lincense needs to delete all the Keys in the hidden folder C:\ AX NF ZZ , then run the Key again for sure”.

Note: Only if you are a student or have a learning need should use this software, for companies and professional engineers I recommend contacting Siemens to buy a license for the best support.
>>> Software Free Download (Google Drive Link)
+ Download SIM EKB Installer 2022 07 26 Software
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OK sir
thanks sir
Hi there, I download and extract and select all keys. But WinCC Professional Max license doesn’t work for me so I can’t use HMI on TIA v17??
Don’t Active Low Version (128Tags)
WinCC 7.5 Unlimited
Pls how can I use the EKB software to install step7 portal v13?
this SIM EKB can