SIM EKB is the most searched software when people use Siemens software. The latest version as of the time I write this is Sim_EKB_2021-08-15 developed by plc uz ua many years ago
This version is supplemented with many updates
Required for STEP7 Professional 2021 and TIA Portal V17

How to use the software is still the same with all previous versions, pay attention if there is an error Lincense needs to delete all the Keys in the hidden folder C:\ AX NF ZZ , then run the Key again for sure.

Note: Only if you are a student or have a learning need should use this software, for companies and professional engineers I recommend contacting Siemens to buy a license for the best support.
>>> Download Software Link (GoogleDrive – Easy for Download)
+ Download SIM EKB Install 2021 08 15 Software
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It was saying the password is incorrect while extracting
something is wrong with the decompression process
Check it please
what happen sir ?
It says wrong password ( Please help
I have 2 error messages
-file access denied
-list index out of bounds
Please contact me by email