As you know, if the PLC or HMI project is in the V12 version, we must use the TIA Portal V12 installation to open.
TIA PORTAL V12 is also the first version to support 64bits operating system and does not require high configuration computers, so for low-profile computer users can use this version smoothly.
- Supported operating systems:
+ Windows-7 (32/64bits)
+ Windows-8 (32/64bits)
+ Windows-10 (32/64bits)
+ Microsoft Windows XP Home SP3 (only STEP 7 Basic)
+ Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3
+ Microsoft Server 2003 R2 Std. SP2 (only STEP 7 Professional)
+ Microsoft Server 2008 Std. SP2 (only STEP 7 Professional)
- Recommended hardware configuration table for installing TIA Portal V12:
+ CPU: 2.4GHz or More
+ RAM: 3GB or More
+ Graphics: 1280×1024
- Video for installation instructions TIA_PORTAL_V12 (Link Download at the bottom of the article)
- Instructions for installing the software with images:
+ Step 1: Download the software and right click and choose Mount (with Wins-7 you have to use Untral ISO software)

+ 2: Choose Installation Language

+ 3: Choose Product languages

+ 4: Select the product features you want to install

+ 5: Accept all license terms

+ 6: Aceept the security and permisstions settings on this computer

+ 7: Select Install to start the software installation

+ 8: The installation process will take a few dozen minutes

+ 9:The installation process is finished, please Restart your computer

+ 10: Extract the SIM-EKB software

+ 11: Run EKB software with Administrator rights

+ 12: Follow the order like the image below

> Open the software and work with it

>>> Link Download Software (GoogleDrive -Easy For Download):
+ Download TIA PORTAL V12 – 64bits Fast Version.RAR
+ Download SIMATIC_STEP7_PLCSIM_V12 Software.RAR
+ Download SIM_EKB_Install_Software.RAR
Update: Download Automation License Manager V6 SP8(Compulsory Upgrade)
Password Extract:
If the link is broken, please comment below the article
Thanks For Reading !
After download, the file is corrupt
Check it
you need winrar V5.5 or higher
TIA portal which password for extract
+ Download SIM_EKB_Install_Software.RAR
this link is nit downloadded
i check link still OK
merhabalar v12 sp1 nerden bulabilirim
i will upload when possible
do you have winCC Comfort V12?
Do you have Step 7 safety v12?
I have sir, contact me via email
Je possède ce logiciel mais je n’est pas les licences donc impossibles de crer un projet . Avez vous une solution?
please comment via english