SIM-EKB-Install 2023-04-05 is a newly released version that supports TIA Portal V19.
Buying Siemens license keys is very expensive for those studying and studying. Sim EKB helps to generate Key Lisenses for easy research and study.

Operating Support
+ Microsoft Windows 7
+ Microsoft Windows 8
+ Microsoft Windows 8.1
+ Microsoft Windows 10
+ Microsoft Windows 11
+ Microsoft Windows Sever

Note: Only if you are a student or have a learning need should use this software, for companies and professional engineers I recommend contacting Siemens to buy a license for the best support.
>>> Link Download Software (GoogleDrive – Easy for Download)
+ Download SIM EKB Install 2023.11.24 Software
Password Extract:
Thanks for View!
pls reload any place, googledrive says to much downloads.
need waiting 24h sir
Do i need password to unzip the file? It is asking me to enter the password. Please help.
Hello Admin,
I tried the PW doesnt work, is there another password?
i check password still OK
Hello! Could you make the file available for download please!
this file available for download
Google says to many downloads.
Is it possible to reupload please?
need waiting 24h
Gracias, siempre muy útil para capacitarse.
please comment via english sir
Good afternoon, can I also simulate PLCsim with EKB?
yes sir
I use it, find lack “WinCC Advanced 19.0” key. Is that so?
This Version support
Hi and thanks for this tools. After i run the SIM_EKG tool and install TIA Portal 7 keys, sadly Automation License Manager does not see any licenses. I reinstalled many times, added all the keys and no luck. What to do next? Why does ALM not see the license files? Tried on windows 10 and windows 11.
please contact me via email sir
The comments that I wrote are gone
what happen for you sir
please, The link doesn’t work sir
i check link still OK
Why is this download over 700MB, when the previous versions were only 40MB for example?
this have video tutorial sir
thanks to the admin for replying everyone.
thanks sir
please help me with a password
Hi, I’m not able to download the file, even if i waited 24 hours. Is there something more I have to do? Thanks a lot
because many persion download sir
Ciao, non riesco ad aprire l’applicazione, mi chiede la password, potete dirmi quale usare? ho provato
non funziona.
please comment via english sir
Everytime when I try to extract the dada from rar file there is a message, that the file is damaged… In what tool I must extract the data that it works? I try WinRar
please using Winrar software
There the software didn’t ask for a passwort, it show an error with a damaged file
need using winrar software
I have a question, will a new version be released in the near future since TIA Portal V20 and Sinec NMS V3 are now available?
i will upload new version when possible
Download file of EKB file is not extracted, please upload me thanks
what happen for you sir ?
hello how can i get license for siemens simit v11.1?
this software can help you
Why it is 768MB ?
have video tutorial
Any news on the version that works with TIA v20?
i will upload when possible