TIA Portal V15.1 is Siemens’ most popular and popular version, it works extremely stable and offers new features compared to the old versions.
TIA Portal V15.1 is a handy application that will give you unlimited access to a range of automation services from integrated engineering and digital planning to transparent operation.

It will shorten marketing time like simulation tools. It increases palnt productivity with the help of additional diagonal lines as well as power management functions. The SIMATIC TIA-Portal provides you with greater flexibility by connecting to management.
It is considered the perfect portal to participate in Digital Business. This app fully complements Siemens offers for companies on the road to Company 4.0 that connects well with MindSphere and you can perform analytics and receive quality services around the world.

Operating systems that TIA PORTAL V15.1 supports
+ Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10
+ CPU: 6th Gen Intel Core i5 (up to 3.4 GHz)
+ RAM: Requires 8 GB RAM (16GB recommended)
+ Disk: Requires 10 GB of free space.
+ Screen: 1366*768 or more

Instructions for installing TIA PORTAL V15.1
+ Turn off anti-virus software (Note also turn off Windows Defender)
+ Unzip the software in the TIA PORTAL package that you want to install
+ The .NET Framework 3.5 is required
+ Run Setup to install the software, choose Next continuously, the installation process takes a long time about 50p with SSD drive
+ Go to Unlock and run the Sim_EKB_Instal file with Run as Administrator permission
+ Select Requied keys and press Select All at the top >> Install Short
+ Enjoy

TIA-Portal V15.1 Software Full Download (GoogleDrive)
+ Download STEP7 & WinCC Professional V15.1
+ Download PLCSIM V15.1
+ Download WinCC Runtime Professional V15.1
+ Download WinCC Runtime Advanced V15.1
+ Download STEP7 Safety V15.1
+ Download Simatic NET V15.1
Password Extract: plc4me.com
SIM-EKB-Install Software for TIA-Portal V15.1
>>> Download Sim_EKB_Install 2022_11_27
User manual (Video tutorials are also included when you unzip the software)
+ Follow the steps below in order

+ Unlocked software will be blue

If you encounter any problems during the download of TIA PORTAL V15.1 software or software installation, please comment below the article. Please like, and share if it helps
Thanks and best regards!
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It is showing this error since last 24 hours
Need waiting 24h sir
everyday i download but same issue.
what happen for you? contact me via email sir
Where can i find the V15.1 Startdrive ?
bonne logiciel
please comment via english sir
can you please Add tia portale V15.1 Update8
ok sir, i will upload when possible