TIA Portal software is the most widely known and used programming software in the world in industrial automation. The TIA Portal V16 version is the latest version as of the time I write this article

- The TIA Portal V16 installer requires the following hardware configuration:
+ CPU: Intel® Core ™ i5-6440EQ (3,4 GHz) or higher
+ RAM: 16GB (minimum 8 GB, 32 GB for large projects)
+ DISK: 50GB of SSD hard drive capacity (or HDD)
+ Monitor: 15.6 “full HD screen (1920 x 1080 or higher)
+ OS: Windows-7(32/64bits), Windows-10(32/64bits)

>>> Link Download TIA_PORTAL_V16
# Download TIA_Portal_V16 with torrent Link: Download Here

# Download TIA_Portal_V16 with GoogleDrive Link:
Update: Download Automation License Manager V6 SP8(Compulsory Upgrade)
1. Download TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16:
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16.Part1
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16.Part2
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16.Part3
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16.Part4
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Adv_Unified_V16.Part5
2. Download TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16:
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16.Part1
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16.Part2
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16.Part3
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16.Part4
+ TIA_Portal_STEP7_Prof_Safety_WINCC_Prof_V16.Part5
3. Download PLCSIM V16
4. Download PLCSIM Advanced V3.0
5. Download Automation_Tool_V3.1_SP4
+ SIMATIC_Automation_Tool_V3_1_SP4.RAR
6. Download Startdrive_Advanced_V16
+ SIMATIC Startdrive_Advanced_V16.Part1
+ SIMATIC Startdrive_Advanced_V16.Part2
7. Download Firmware S7-1200
+ SIMATIC_Firmware_S7-1200.RAR
8. Download Firmware S7-1500
+ SIMATIC_Firmware_S7-1500.RAR
9. SIM_EKB_Install Download
>>> Download SIM_EKB_Install_2020_2_29
+ Guide-Install TIA_Portal_V16
>>> Password Extract ALL Software: plc4me.com
Thanks and BR !
can you send the rar files,s password please ??
password: plc4me.com
can you give me the password ?
password: plc4me.com
butun rarları ındırdım şımdı ne yapmam lazım video varmı. tsk
English please
im download all or just download torrent only?
downlaod directly
do we need to install part1 to part5 of all the software or do we just extract and install part compatible with the other files? and during extraction some files say “wrong password” when is use “plc4me.com” it refuses to extract to 100%, should this be an issue?
only extract part.1 sir
do you have some defnition aboutTIA portal part 1 to part 5 yuo post please/ why you use partition?
also video intraction to intal please?
i will upload video intruction
can i get the link from the video instruction?
check tia v18
Thanks! You are a God, sir!
Could u share the password please
password: plc4me.com
Could u share the password please .
arşiv hatalı uyarısı
english please sir
What does this Part 1,2,3 means? and My tia portal is not showing WinCC RT Professional option? what should i do?
Only need extract Part.1 sir
why cant i extract part 1 when i use the password: plc4me.com it says file is damaged or password is incorrect
need using winrar v5.5 or higher
Why i cant find a link to google drive for tia portal?
what happen for you ?
WinCC Runtime Failed to start error. Please help.
what happen sir
Do I need to download all part 1, 2,3,4,5 rar files ?
yess, and only need extract part.1
then why i need to download all sir
what happen for you ?
Why extract part 1 only but why must download parts 2,3,4,5
only part.1 sir
Hola, cual es el proceso de instalacion de PlC V16?
No encuentro ninguna guía
english please sir
Hello, i can’t work because when I want to add a new PLC it aks me for a licence.
need using SIM EKB sir
sir please upload one demo video of any project, so we can one idea how the project works
example small project with Scada .
ok i will upload when possible
Thank you sir
Please upload the demo project with its logic in TIA
i will upload when possible
i need to download TIA Portal software
How Can I Download This Software Please Shear the Video
i have try to download the TIA Portal V16 17 & 18 BUT Permission is not available
contact me via email
Thanks brother. You did great job for us especially, for us who are learning.
thanks sir
can you provide your mail id sir
my email address: founder.plc4me@gmail.com
Hi! Thats is the normal trial version or do you have the crack?
using SIM EKB Software
i have installed TIA 16 its proper working but in this same laptop while i have installed winnc 7.v its installed but not opening shows this message
” A basic application could not be started ,please check your software license”
please check here sir: https://plc247.com/download-automation-license-manager-v6-0-sp9-upd4-fix-siemens-software-license/
Your link in the download star drive advanced is not working , can you update the link please ?
go to TIA Portal V16 Full Package bro
Je ne trouve pas le langage de programmation FBD dans le TIA v16 après l’avoir installé.
sir please comment via english
i couldn’t find tia crack run
Download link at the bottom of the article
Maalesef şu anda bu dosyayı görüntüleyemez veya indiremezsiniz.
Bu dosya yakın zamanda çok fazla kullanıcı tarafından görüntülendi veya indirildi. Lütfen dosyaya erişmeyi daha sonra yeniden deneyin. Erişmek istediğiniz dosya çok büyükse veya çok sayıda kişiyle paylaşılıyorsa dosyayı görüntülemek ya da indirmek için 24 saat kadar beklemeniz gerekebilir. Bir dosyaya 24 saat sonra hâlâ erişemiyorsanız alan yöneticinizle iletişime geçin.
böyle bir hata alıyorum başka yolu yokmu acaba indirmenin?
need waiting 24h sir
Password please
password: plc4me.com
how can I active .NET 3.5 SP1 ?
i see, you can download from google
Hi! Can you post update 6 for TIA PORTAL V16? I cannot update from official site
what happen for you ?
onde encontrar o arquivo de partição?
please comment via english
Pls full guide to installing video
please download tia portal V18