TIA Portal V13 – a very familiar name in the automation village. As its name implies, TIA Portal: “Total Intergrated Automation Portal”, the basic software integrating all programming software for automation and power transmission systems: PLC, HMI, Inverter.

Designed with a user-friendly interface, first familiarization is very entangled by many of its features and tasks, but when you get used to it a lot, it is very convenient, all in one. All PLC, HMI, and Inverter controllers are configured on TIA Portal V13, creating consistency in product programming and configuration.
To install this toolkit on Windows 10, we must install V13 SP1, V13 SP2, PLC SIM, WIN CC in turn and finally the software Unlock.
+ STEP 1 : Download and install the .NET Framework 3.5
+ STEP 2 : Install TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP1 (7GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 3 : Install TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP2 (9GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 4 : Install S7-PLCSIM_V13_SP2
+ STEP 5 : Install WinCC-Pro_V13_SP2 (6.2GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 6 : Run Sim_EKB_Install_2017_01_17 !!!
Update: Download Automation License Manager V6 SP8(Compulsory Upgrade)
( Update : New SIM_EKB_Install 2020 Download Here )
If you have any problems in Downloading and Installing Software, please contact plc4me.com by commenting below the article or by sending an email at the end of my homepage! Thanks for reading some writing!
links are not work
i check link work normaly ?
+ STEP 2 : Install TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP1 (7GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 5 : Install WinCC-Pro_V13_SP2 (6.2GB-Google Drive)
link didn’t work
i checked link still OK
This is what I got, after I click on the link
Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
Need waiting 24h sir
plc link not work
i check link still ok
I am keep receiving a message that
“The licensing of WinCC basic could not be completely finished because the automation license manager service is not running”
Therefore, I can’t open screens in the HMI.
Please help me.
Need reinstall Automation license Manager
please i am having problem installing the software
could you please help me?
what happen for you?
what haooen for you sir ?
Hola, el enlace TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP1 (7GB-Google Drive), no se descarga en su totalidad.
Un saludo.
sir please comment by english
Mitsubishi GX Works2 RAR archive is damaged
Siemens TIA portal v13 SP2 can’t be downloaded
Need Using Winrar V5.5 or higher
Hi + STEP 2 : Install TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP1 (7GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 3 : Install TIA_PORTAL_V13_SP2 (9GB-Google Drive)
+ STEP 4 : Install S7-PLCSIM_V13_SP2
will not allow download?? too many users?
yes sir
TIA v13 sp2 can’t download.
please help.
what happen sir ?
New SIM_EKB_Install 2020 Download Here — zip password please
password: plc4me.com
admin thank you very much for your sharing. good luck to you…. best regards
hi admin .greeting.Is that necessary to download both sp1 and sp2?im in doubt.pls clear it out
download both sir
hello dear admin;
When I want to install tia portal v13 sp1, it gives license error at the end of the installation, what should I do?
Best regards
what happen sir?
what is the password from the archive STEP7_V13_SP2_Pro_DVD1
password: plc4me.com
Problem with the Download Automation License Manager V6 SP8(Compulsory Upgrade)
the error that pc show is
“Please start the Setup from a path without space character. Checked Path is: ….”
plz tell me if i didnt install this upgrade did i face any problem or not
your Windows ID need without space character
Hi Admin,
I just want to use TIA_Portal_v13_SP1, is it can work/run?
Thank you
need same version
Thanks a whole lot.
I am keep receiving a message that
“The licensing of WinCC basic could not be completely finished because the automation license manager service is not running”
Therefore, I can’t open screens in the HMI.
Please help me.
Reinstall Automation License Manager sir
Thank you for the prompt reply.
I tried to do it but I get the following message:
“The Automation license manager service has not been started. Please start the service”.
What can I do about it?
You need install Automation License Manager New Version
OK, I found it and installed it. it solved the problem.
Thank you very much.
admin,i am not able to download STEP 1 : Download and install the .NET Framework 3.5.showing access is denied.plz help
you can download on internet
step5 link is not workin please check it
i check link still working
Link not work sir, please update
what link no working ?
admin, i am not able to download STEP 1 : Download and install the .NET Framework 3.5.showing access is denied. Plz help me
give me the other source so that i can download the .NET Framework 3.5
You can easily download it from Google or Microsoft
Tıa Portal V13 Sp2 indirirken bir süre sonra Başarısız-Yasak Hatası alıyorum
sorry sir, you can comment via english ?
Can’t download step 2 to 6, it says:
“Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.”
Need waiting 24h sir
Can I install this in a Core i3 4GB RAM computer sir?
8GB RAM Minimum sir
+ STEP 1 : Download and install the .NET Framework 3.5
link didn’t work Sir
you can download form microsoft
Hey admin, having trouble downloading, step 1- download .NET Framework 3.5 It says the file does not exist. Any solution?
Thanks in advance
you can download from google or microsoft website
Hi, + STEP 5 : Install WinCC-Pro_V13_SP2 (6.2GB-Google Drive) receiving error cannot open file as archive.
contact me via email sir
where is start drive v13 sp2?
i will upload now
Hi, Where we can get Step 7 Safety V13 please?
go to TIA V13 Full Package
arşiv tanınmıyor veya hatalı uyarısı veriyor. yani arşiv açılmıyor.
please comment via english
Sorry, you cannot view or download the file at this time.
Recently, too many users have viewed or downloaded this file. Try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is too large or shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours for the file to be viewed or downloaded. If the file remains inaccessible after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
I’ve been waiting for 2 days but can’t download it
because many people download