STEP 7 V5.7 Professional 2021 is programming and configuration software for Siemens PLC S7-300/S7-400. A distinctive feature of the STEP 7 package is the ability to develop complex automation projects with a variety of PLC programmable controllers, industrial computers, man-machine interface devices and systems, I /O and industrial communication network structure.
This version of V2021 supports many popular operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Sever.

Software features
+ Configure and define settings for hardware
+ Configure industrial communication systems and set data transmission parameters
+ Programming, testing, debugging and launching programs of individual automation systems, as well as their local or remote maintenance
+ Documenting and archiving project data
+ Devices diagnostic and operation control function

>>> Link Download Software (GoogleDrive – Easy for Download)
+ Download Siemens STEP7 V5.7 / Professional 2021
+ Download Siemens STEP7 V5.7 Hotfix1 Upgrade
+ Download SIM_EKB_Install_2021_08_15
Thanks for reading!
Hi I have a problem with the download on Google Drive, it does not let me download the file and a message appears that tells me
“Sorry. You are currently unable to view or download the file.
This file has been viewed or downloaded by too many users recently. Try logging in again at a later time. If the file you’re trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, you may need to wait up to 24 hours before you can view or download it. If after 24 hours you still can’t access the file, contact your domain administrator. ”
How could I go about solving the problem?
need waiting 24h sir
thanks for your effort but still link no work,please upload again at mediafire as example.
if you see (unable to view file error ). there is an option to add the file to your google drive and then download it.
Please click download file without preview
I managed to download but asking for password to unzip
no funciona la contraseña
please comment via english
this still does not work. i downloaded the software and unzipped it but there is not setup apllication to start downloading the software.
asking for password. plz help sir
Thanks sir
Que tal amigo
Acabe de descargar el archivo en rar para descomprimir me pide contraseña de fichero cifrado por favor si me podés pasar la contraseña para instalar
english please sir
Your computer account name cannot contain spaces or special characters
When I try to install the Siemens Simatic or any other siemens software, system prompt for requirement to re-boot. After doing so, still facing same message.
sent image to me via image
Sorry. How to send image?
cannot attach it here
contact me via email sir
see here to fix:
can it work on 32bit
Need 64 bit sir
Thanks dude for your help
ok sir
should i download the three links or just the first one .?
first one still OK
добрый день ссылка для скачивания не работает
please comment via english
please send me a Siemens Automation License Manager forS7 software
please how do i get the license to activate?
please using SIM EKB Install
i have a problem with the license in the first link
please using SIM EKB Software
Can you tell me your password?
password: télécharger , mais quand j’essey de l’installer il s’installe pas, j ai esses tous le version mais apparemment ils ont pas compatible avec windows 11, j ai essey avec un vieux pc avec windows 10 sa marche , mais mon vieux pc n as pas d espace sur le Duque dure et très très moule ,
j ai vue une video que soidi-sant tu l installe en eteind la connexion internet , mais pas moyenne.
est ce que y as des personne avec le meme cas , est ce que il ya solution d’apres vous , merci
please comment via english
“It worked perfectly, but the trial period has ended. How do I activate the license? Is there a key generator or crack? Best regards, great website! Greetings from Argentina!”
need using SIM EKB Software sir
Hello Sir,
Can you please upload S7-SCL v5.7
ok i will upload when i have this
how do i email you, sir?