Automation License Manager is a software to manage the License Key of Siemens Simatic software. ALM V6.0 SP12 is the latest update up to the time wrote this article, which can help you fix License-related errors.
One of the common errors is that when we install TIA Portal, we will encounter a message displaying “Step 7 has found a problem with the Automation License Manager”, this is an extremely annoying error and if not handled, it is impossible use software.

Now we just need to update the latest version of Automation License Manager to fix this error easily.

Installing a new version is mandatory for all software that has been released for a long time, for example: Step 7 V5.6/Professional 2017, WinCC Flexible 2008 SP5, TIA Portal V13, V14, V15, V16, V17, V18…

Guide to Fix Lecensing Error Siemens Software
+ Step 1: Exit all running Siemens software
+ Step 2: Uninstall the old version of Automation License Manager
+ Step 3: Install the new version and open the software, wait for the software to reload the Licenses
Link Download Software ( GoogleDrive – Easy for Download )
>>> Download Automation License Manager V6.0 SP12 + Upd2
Password Extract:
Thanks for reading!
How I get permanent simatic manager liscense for my computer instead of trial version
ALM Software no need License
what is the password please?
I downloaded the file but I can’t unpack it because it says that “No archives found”
please using winrar software sir