C/C++/C# Ebook

[PDF] Microsoft Visual C Step by Step, Ninth Edition by John Sharp

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Microsoft Visual C# is a powerful but simple language aimed primarily at developers who create applications built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. Visual C# inherits many of the best features of C++and Microsoft Visual Basic but few of the inconsistencies and anachronisms, which results in a cleaner and more logical language.
+ C# 1.0 made its public debut in 2001.
+ C# 2.0, with Visual Studio 2005, provided several important new features, including generics, iterators, and anonymous methods.
+ C# 3.0, which was released with Visual Studio 2008, added extension methods, lambda expressions, and most famously of all, the Language-Integrated Query facility, or LINQ.
+ C# 4.0 was released in 2010 and provided further enhancements that improved its interoperability with other languages and technologies. These features included support for named and optional arguments and the dynamic type, which indicates that the language runtime should implement late binding for an object. An important addition to the .NET Framework, and released concurrently with C# 4.0, were the classes and types that constitute the Task Parallel Library (TPL). Using the TPL, you can build highly scalable applications that can take full advantage of multicore
+ C# 5.0 added native support for asynchronous task-based processing through the async method modifier and the await operator.
+ C# 6.0 was an incremental upgrade with features designed to make life simpler for developers.
These features include items such as string interpolation (you need never use String.Format again!), enhancements to the ways in which properties are implemented, expression-bodied methods, and others.
+ C# 7.0 adds further enhancements to aid productivity and remove some of the minor anachronisms of C#. For example, you can now implement property accessors as expression-bodied members, methods can return multiple values in the form of tuples, the use of out parameters has been
simplified, and switch statements have been extended to support pattern- and type-matching. There are other updates as well, which are covered in this book.


+ CHAPTER 1 Welcome to C#

+ CHAPTER 2 Working with variables, operators, and expressions

+ CHAPTER 3 Writing methods and applying scope

+ CHAPTER 4 Using decision statements

+ CHAPTER 5 Using compound assignment and iteration statements

+ CHAPTER 6 Managing errors and exceptions

+ CHAPTER 7 Creating and managing classes and objects

+ CHAPTER 8 Understanding values and references

+ CHAPTER 9 Creating value types with enumerations and structures

+ CHAPTER 10 Using arrays

+ CHAPTER 11 Understanding parameter arrays

+ CHAPTER 12 Working with inheritance

+ CHAPTER 13 Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes

+ CHAPTER 14 Using garbage collection and resource management

+ CHAPTER 15 Implementing properties to access fields

+ CHAPTER 16 Handling binary data and using indexers

+ CHAPTER 17 Introducing generics

+ CHAPTER 18 Using collections

+ CHAPTER 19 Enumerating collections

+ CHAPTER 20 Decoupling application logic and handling events

+ CHAPTER 21 Querying in-memory data by using query expressions

+ CHAPTER 22 Operator overloading

+ CHAPTER 23 Improving throughput by using tasks

+ CHAPTER 24 Improving response time by performing asynchronous operations

+ CHAPTER 25 Implementing the user interface for a Universal Windows Platform app

+ CHAPTER 26 Displaying and searching for data in a Universal Windows Platform app

+ CHAPTER 27 Accessing a remote database from a Universal Windows Platform app

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+ Download Microsoft Visual C Step by Step, Ninth Edition by John Sharp.PDF

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